Now I shall present to you our Final Product for 2D Design..

Here we have a 'DIY Homemade Roller!!'

The process can be easily read and understand if you follow left to right. Picture worth a thousand words yes?

Materials :
- toilet rolls
- paint roller
- craft foams (available at arts and crafts store)
- super glue / UHU glue
- blade
- gesso (can be substituted with white acrylic)
- chinese Ink

1. Pick out any leaves you desire and would like to use in your wallpapering idea.

2. Kick start yourself by collecting unused but useful materials such as toilet rolls, paper box and etc. To ensure your roller hardens and does not change shape as easily, brush some gesso and coat a few layers. As gesso are pricey you can always coat with acrylic instead. Gather the other materials as well !

3. Carefully coat the leaf with the Chinese ink and press it down onto the craft foam so that you get the texture imprinted onto it.

4. After that, cut out the shapes carefully, emphasizing on the details of the leaves to leave a more intriguing and delicate texture.

5. Test out your cut outs to make sure you have your desired shape!

6. When you're satisfied, you can glue your cut out on the roller and test run the rolling again and voila you are done!. You can now attach your roller onto a paint roller!

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